Mini sessions for maximum benefit
Mini sessions are the same as regular classes. You’ll learn the same information as you do in a traditional class, just in a shorter period of time. Mini sessions add flexibility to your scheduling and are a great way to pick up extra credits or to get an early start if you want to begin a program this spring.
We offer basic healthcare skills for a quick entry into the job market as well as general education credits that count toward our associate degree, certificate and transfer programs-old-old-old-old.
October Mini Sessions
Begins October 13
ACC 102 Accounting Principles II
ACC 124 Individual Tax Procedures
AHS 106 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
AHS 141 Phlebotomy for the Health Care Provider
AHS 144 Phlebotomy Practicum
AHS 145 Electrocardiography
AHS 166 ECG in a Clinical Setting
ART 101 Art History and Appreciation
AUT 151 Automotive Transmission/Transaxle
AUT 159 Tools, Equipment and Reference Manuals
AUT 161 Introduction to Automotive Maintenance
BAF 101 Personal Finance
BIO 118 Basic Anatomy & Physiology II
COL 107 Computer Literacy Skills for College Success
CRJ 283 Police Science III
CRJ 284 Police Science IV
ECD 237 Methods and Materials
EMS 106 Emergency Medical Care II
EMS 208 EMS Field Internship I
ENG 101 English Composition
ENG 102 English Composition II
LOG 111 Warehouse and Distribution Center Operations
MGT 215 Project Management
MGT 220 Operations Management I
MRI 136 MRI Procedures of the Musculoskeletal System
PSY 201 General Psychology
PSY 203 Human Growth and Development
PTH 266 Physical Therapy Practicum I
SPA 102 Elementary Spanish II
SPC 205 Public Speaking