Testing Center

Location and Hours

LocationHours of Operation
Building B, Room 245Monday 8:30 am-6:00 pm
Tuesday 8:30 am-7:00 pm
Wednesday 8:30 am-6:00 pm
Thursday 7:30 am-6:00 pm

Contact Information

Mary Rhodes
Testing Center Director

Please note: A valid photo ID is required for all testing.

The Testing Center offers a student-friendly, academically secure, professional place of business for all examinees. We promote honesty, confidentiality, and fair practices to everyone using our services.

Admissions Testing

OCtech uses ACCUPLACER tests to place students in appropriate college-level courses. These tests help to determine a student’s strengths and needs in the areas of Reading, Writing, and Math.

Schedule your test: You can test in person at OCtech or virtually via Zoom (Strong internet connection required). Choose the appropriate button to schedule your test.

Academic Testing for Students

Current OCtech students needing to schedule a make-up exam or Honorlock alternative exam for online classes must use the appointment calendar to schedule testing.

Other Available Tests

Register and pay exam fee at www.ase.com.

Monday testing only
Location: Room B-245

Click here to register: REGISTER
Location: Room B-245

Register, pay, and schedule appointment online www.gedtesting.com  (Monday testing only)
Location: Room B-245

Register at https://login.msscusa.org/login.

Contact Career Training and Economic Development for Appointment (803-535-1236)
Fee: $65.00 per Exam
Location: Room B-245

Register, pay, and schedule online www.ncctinc.com. (1st Wednesday of each Month testing only)

Non-OCtech Students - Non-OCtech students may pay the cashier in Building S on testing day.

Fee: $50.00
Location: Room B-245

Contact Career Training and Economic Development for appointment.  (803-535-1236)
Fee: $150.00
Location: Room B-245

Learn more about NCCER:  www.nccer.org

TEAS: Test of Essential Academic Skills

Click here to register: REGISTER
Fee: $100.00/ Pay cashier in Building S (803.535.1211)
Location: Room B-245

There are a variety of prep resources available to help you study for the test – all aligned to the ATI TEAS, Version 7 and packed with thousands of practice questions based on the content and format of the actual exam.

Learn more about WorkKeys

Current OCtech Students:
Click here to register: REGISTER
Location: Room B-245

Non-OCtech Students:
Contact Continuing Education for appointment (803-535-1236)
Fee: $24 - 32.00 per exam
Location: Room B-245

Testing Payment and Guidelines

  • Cell phones, watches, electronic devices, and personal items brought to the Testing Center must be stored in a designated area. The student must turn his/her cell phone OFF (Not on Vibrate). OCtech is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged cell phones or other items left in vehicles or brought to the Testing Center.
  • OCtech Testing Center does not allow backpacks, purses, cell phones, head wraps, hats, scarfs, watches, earbuds, headphones, clanging jewelry, electronic devices, or any other unauthorized items in the testing area. The student must place such things in an assigned locker or other designated area until he/she is ready to leave the center.
  • OCtech is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items brought into the Testing Center.
  • Children, visitors, food or drinks are not allowed in the Testing Center.
  • OCtech does not permit unattended children in any campus facility and assumes no responsibility for the supervision of children on campus.

The Testing Center is authorized to dismiss an examinee from testing for any of the following reasons:

  • Failing to turn off a cell phone
  • Attempting to take a test for someone else
  • Giving or receiving assistance of any kind
  • Using notes, books, calculators or other testing aids without permission
  • Attempting to remove test questions and/or responses (in any format) from the testing room
  • Leaving the testing area without permission before the exam is completed
  • Exhibiting confrontational, threatening or unruly behavior

If a student has a documented need for nonstandard test administration, please contact the Advising Center at 803.535.1224.

Contact Information

Mary Rhodes
Testing Center Director

Test Taking Tips


Make sure to learn the material you need for your exam.


Get plenty of rest and sleep the night before the exam.


Eat a healthy breakfast the morning of the exam.


Drink plenty of water to keep yourself properly hydrated.


Take time to relax your mind before, during, and after the exam.

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