New Student Guide

We're glad you're here!

Use this page to start your college career the right way.

Access your student accounts:

  • Go to
  • You will use your account to login here. Your username and temporary password are provided in your acceptance email and letter.
  • Once you sign in, you will be prompted to reset your password.
  • If you need assistance with logging in, contact the Help Desk:
    803.535.1461 or

Important dates:

About your accounts

self service logo

Self-Service is your business account. This is where you:
• check your financial aid status
• pay your bill
• review missing documents
• choose your classes
• see your transcript
• apply for graduation


brighstpace logo

Brightspace/D2L is your main school account. This is where you:
• access class content
• submit assignments
• check your email
• see campus announcements
• apply for OCtech Foundation scholarships

navigate logo

Navigate is your app while you’re on the go. This is where you:
• schedule appointments with your advisor, tutors or Student Services
• see your class schedule
• add reminders to your calendar
• find class study buddies

Meet with an advisor and register for classes

This is the perfect opportunity to ask questions, and learn what your expectations and responsibilities are as an OCtech student. We’ll help you plan for academic success as we review your first-semester classes and overall degree requirements.

You can meet with an advisor in any of three ways – pick the best for you:

In person: Visit the Advising Center on the first floor of Building S/Student Services Building
By phone: Call 803.535.1224
By Appointment:  Email or call for an appointment.

Once you’ve met with your advisor, you will be able to register for classes.

Apply for Financial Aid

Complete your FAFSA – Free Application for Federal Student Aid.  
TIP: Use school code 006815 to have your information sent directly to us.

Once received, we’ll contact you to complete your financial aid award.

New Student Checklist

Here's what do to BEFORE your first day of class:

Email and D2L Brightspace

Check your school email and classes in Brightspace/D2L. Attend a Brightspace/D2L workshop for help if you need it.

Pay Tuition

You can pay using Self-Service or stop by the Cashier’s Desk in Building S. Your financial aid status is also available to view in Self-Service.

Student ID

Get your student ID made in Student Services in Building S. You must have your picture ID and class schedule to get a student ID.

Complete First Flight

You will receive an email about First Flight.  This is an online orientation that you must complete before starting classes.  You’ll be in introduced to tools and platforms that your instructors may use in class as well other support services available to you. 

Parking Permit

Purchase a parking permit if you plan to drive to campus. Permits are $30. See the cashier in Building S to purchase a parking permit.

Explore the Student Success Center

You have access to free tutoring services through the Student Success Center.  In-person and online tutoring is available, as well as a variety of study resources to help you succeed.

Sign up for Emergency Alerts

Your D2L Brightspace email is automatically enrolled in REGROUP – the emergency alert system.  Add you cell phone number to make sure you get important notices such as weather closures. 

Campus Map

Familiarize yourself with the  campus. Find your classes, the Library, OCtech Bookstore, TRiO Student Support Services and more!

Buy a t-shirt in the bookstore

The OCtech Bookstore has college gear, school supplies, snacks and more!

Important Student Information

If you need to add or drop a class, you can do so without penalty by the second day of 7- week classes or the end of the first week of a semester class.  If you drop a class, you are responsible for paying any non-refundable fees.

You can find more information on the Registrar's page.

The OCtech Bookstore offers books, laptops and other supplies you need for your classes.  They also sell college branded merchandise and snacks.

Website:  OCtech’s Bookstore

Location:  The Bookstore is located on the first floor of the B Building.  (You can enter the Bookstore from the sidewalk that runs between the B and S buildings.)

Hours: Monday-Thursday from 8am to 6pm

Using Financial Aid in the Bookstore:

Any financial aid that may be available to you for books and supplies will be on your account which the bookstore will reference when making your purchase. Please have your student ID and class schedule on hand when visit the Bookstore.  Schedules for financial aid purchases are posted on the Bookstore's webpage each semester.

You have free access to wi-fi on campus with your student account

The Library is located on the second floor of the B Building.

The OCtech Library’s goal is to provide resources, services, and information in support of the personal, academic, and professional goals of students, faculty, and staff at OCtech. The Library’s
resources are accessible both on and off campus, through OCtech’s website and D2L. Library resources include electronic databases, print and electronic books, DVDs, PASCAL Delivers, magazines, journals and newspapers, workshops, study space, computers and streaming content.

Visit the Library's webpage  for 24/7 access to resources.

Student vehicles on College property must be registered. Vehicles should be registered at the time of class registration. Parking passes can be purchased at the Cashier's Desk in the S building lobby. Parking passes are valid for one academic year and must renewed each year.

  • Please make sure you have your car’s license plate information and your Student ID.

Student ID’s are issued in Student Services Office in Building S. No appointment necessary to get your ID.

Every registered student at OCtech must have a valid student ID and is required to have it on their person at all times while on the College’s campus.

  • There is no fee for the first student ID.
  • IDs are required to conduct campus related business.
  • To obtain an ID, students should bring a driver’s license or other picture ID to Student Services.

Replacement ID’s:

  • The cost to replace a lost ID is $15.00.
  • Students pay at the Cashier’s Desk in Building S and bring the receipt
  • to Student Services to get a replacement ID.
  • Replacement ID without cost: IDs are replaced at no cost under the following guidelines: Name change, Broken ID (pieces must be brought to Student Services), or if a student has not attended OCtech for 3 consecutive semesters or 1 academic school year
  • All OCtech programs require a computer in order to complete coursework.
  • On-campus and hybrid classes require a laptop computer.
  • Students may purchase a laptop computer from the OCtech Bookstore or provide their own.

If you already own a computer, it must:

  • have a USB port;
    be capable of adding a second browser, such as Chrome, Edge or Firefox;
  • be capable of playing, downloading and recording audio and video;
  • be capable of downloading a free Office 365 license provided by OCtech

For more information visit Technology Requirements.

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