Tuition and Fees

Refund policy

Students who withdraw or have a net reduction of credit hours below full-time status will be eligible for a refund of tuition as follows:

  • 100% before the first date in term that classes are offered (start of term)
  • 100% first day of class through add/drop period
  • 0% after end of add/drop period

Students who remain in class after the end of the add/drop period will be responsible for paying 100% of tuition. Students who never attend classes for which they are enrolled will be considered to have constructively withdrawn before the start of the term.

Refund policy for financial aid recipients

The Financial Aid Office will recalculate federal financial aid based on the percentage of earned aid for students who withdraw, drop out, are dismissed or take a leave of absence prior to completing 60% of a semester. If a student owes a balance to the college, he or she will be notified by the Business Office. A copy of the official recalculation policy is available in the Financial Aid Office.

Bank Mobile Disbursements

Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. With BankMobile Disbursements, you choose how you get your money.  

BankMobile by BMT
  • If you need additional assistance contact the OCtech Business Office at
  • To view our third-party servicer contract for refund management, click here.

Financial Aid

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