Lower Savannah Region Career Specialist
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- Lower Savannah Region Career Specialist
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The Regional Career Specialist provides leadership and services to districts and schools by supporting grade-level, standards-based curricula through the integration of academic, career and technical instruction for students in grades seven through 12.
Jean Rickenbaker
Lower Savannah Regional Career Specialist
Job Shadow '25
Job Shadow ’25 is here! We have one great opportunity left this year for your students to explore:
Thursday, March 27
Health Science and Nursing
The South Carolina Department of Education – Office of Career and Technical Education and Student Transitional Services will offer a four-time national award-winning youth preparedness, leadership and educational outreach program known as MyPI (My Preparedness Initiative) for teenagers across South Carolina.
OCtech Advanced Manufacturing and Truck Driving Programs
CTE and Career Training Program Videos
These videos highlight different programs and careers from around the Region to provide students a look into some of their many educational options. If you have a video you would like featured here, please contact Jean Rickenbaker.
Helpful and interesting updates from around the state
Event Schedule
Mark your calendars! View events that we have planned throughout the year and makes plans early to participate:
- EVERFI – Digital Lessons for Life Skills such as Social-Emotional Learning, Health & Wellness, Financial Capability, & Career Readiness.
- PBS Kids – Activities, e-learning books, games, and apps such as Play and Learn Engineering, The Cat In the Hat Invents, Molly of Denali, Ready, Jet Go! Spa Scouts, Sid’s Science Fair, Jet’s Bot Builder, Splash & Bubbles for Parents, The Cat In the Hat Builds That!, Play and Learn Science. They also feature Prankster Planet, PBS Parents Play and Learn, Super Why! Power to Read, and many more exciting apps and games to learn and choose from.
- Focus2 – This website assists students to connect their interests with college majors and career opportunities. Students can also design a resume.
- TALLO – This website provides career advice and networking for students. Students may be matched with jobs, scholarships and internship opportunities. Tallo Marketing & Classroom Tool Kit
- Career Builder – This website provides another option for students to build a resume and explore careers.
- Resume Builder – This website provides resume tips as students build an online resume.
- O*Net – This is a counselor focused tool for career exploration and job analysis. It has detailed descriptions of the world of work for the use of job seekers, workforce development, HR professionals, and student researchers.
- Jobs Made Real – By Teens for Teens: Discover Your Career Path
- CareerOneStop – This site includes the Career Exploration Toolkit, career self assessments, occupation profiles, skills matchers, and career videos.
- At-Home Learning: KnowItAll.org – This is resource Is updated weekly with K5-6 grade and 7th grade -12 grade. It is comprised of resources from SCETV to assist students with their subjects at home. There is a wealth of information on SCETV for parents, students, counselors, and teachers to utilize.
- SC Works
- Roadtrip Nation
- I Defy
- I Made It
- CA Career Zone
- Today’s Military – There are hundreds of ways to make a living in the Military, and many of these careers provide the training and experience needed for a rewarding second career in the private sector.
- NASA Quest – Women of NASA -This site was developed to encourage, more young women to pursue career in math, science, and technology.
- Career Videos – Career Videos by Dr. Kit who is a Psychology Professor at Bishop State Community College in Mobile, Alabama. He developed Dr. Kit website 3 years ago and he works on it in his spare time. He won the website at a conference and this is what he decided to make out of it. He has been teaching Psychology for approximately 30 years.
- Career Village: This online community provides a forum for students to ask questions about career exploration and planning directly to current professionals. From “How much does a music producer earn?” to “How to find your dream job,” students are able to have their specific questions answered from real-life professionals working in the fields they are exploring.
- Job Shadow: At Job Shadow, students can read interviews from professionals working in a vast number of fields, including some more unique professions that might be of interest to students such as jobs in the arts, roles that involve work with animals, and “jobs you may not have heard of.” Students can also search for interviews based on compensation structure or work environment.
- Be Something Amazing - Health Care Career - Learn more about health careers in SC
- College Essay Guy - Help with college admissions essays
- ACT CCRW Toolkit
To request a Resume Workshop or Mock Interviews, contact Jean Rickenbaker at rickenbakerjh@octech.edu.
We can provide a customized Workshop upon request.
- Provide contacts for a successful Career Fair
- Relay tips for a successful Career Fair
- Assist in planning for a Virtual Career Fair
Here is a great example of a successful Virtual Career Fair: Wade Hampton High School’s (Greenville SC) VIRTURAL CAREER FAIR
We can provide contacts for scheduling tours for classes or groups.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- PACE Scholarship Academy
- Scholarships.com
- Scholarships.com (Grants)
- Uniogo
- Discover Card Scholarships
- Colleges of Distinction
- SC Commission on Higher Education
- Sallie Mae Scholarship Search
- Fast Web (Search Engine)
- Avoid Scholarship Scams
- SC Colleges Symbaloo
- Global Scholarships
- Financial Aid and Scholarships for Children of Incarcerated Parents
- College & Scholarship Guide for Students Transitioning from Foster Care to Higher Education
- College & Scholarship Guide for Rural Students
- Your Ultimate 2023 Scholarship Guide
Career Cluster Information:
Career and Technical Education:
- CTE Data Collection
Since districts are responsible for transmitting data to the agency and may have specific deadlines, please confirm dates with district technology staff to ensure data are entered and verified before the deadline. Additional information regarding data collection can be found on this webpage: Enrich FAQ - CTE Course Catalog 2023
- Partnership for Success CLNA Best Practices and Resource
- Renewal Activity Form for CTE Spring Computer Science Credits
- Student Report Procedures Guide 2023-24
- Practical Guidance for Aligning Career Pathways to Labor Market Data in the Time of COVID-19 | Advance CTE (careertech.org)
- OCTE Contact Information
- SC CLNA Improvement Phase Toolkit September 2022 Update
- 2022 Perkins V Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment Template
- Transition Resource Repository
Career Specialist Resources
- Career Center Counselor Best Practices (from the SC Dept. of Education)
- View “How to Pull IGP Reports”
- National Suicide Prevention Toolkit
- I'M A CAREER SPECIALIST...Now what do I do
- SC Career Guidance Listserv
Counselor Resources
Seals of Distinction
- Seals flyer for students
- Editable Seals flyer for students
- How to Enter Diploma Pathways Seals of Distinction in PS
- Career Guidance Model
- KnowItAll.org
- Student Information Data Entry Manual
- SC Education Oversight Committee Accountability Manual
- SC Student Information Systems Data Entry Manual
Training for counselors is provided in the Lower Savannah Region in the following areas:
- Indeed.com
- SCWorks.org
- ZipRecruiter.com
- Snag A Job
- Careers.com
- Government Jobs.com
- Behance.net
- College Recruiter.com
- Hired.com
- Idealist.org
- Law Jobs.com
- Mediabistro.com
- Recruit Military.com
- Diversity Jobs.com
- Career Job 360.com
- South Carolina Careers
- CareerBuilder
- Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College
- Resume Builder
- O*Net
- Explore Health Careers
- Discover Nursing
- SCOIS – South Carolina Occupational Information System-This system has a three-part system, which includes an elementary/middle, high school, and Post-Secondary exploration. It has a wealth of up-to-date information for counselors, students, and teachers to utilize.
- O*Net – A great tool for career exploration and job analysis. It has detailed descriptions of the world of work for the use of job seekers, workforce development, HR professionals, and student researchers. You can also browse information/job codes in the military to find what the equivalent job would be in civilian life.
- Bureau of Labor and Statistics explains about wages by the area that one lives in, occupation, data, tools, career outlook, employment projection, pay, and benefits.
- SC Department of Employment and Workforce Development – This is the Employment Security Commission where they have upgraded their system drastically and made everything electronic. You can file for unemployment benefits, look for a job, tax information, input your information for looking for a job, etc.
- SC DEW Workforce Information Panel
- US Department of Labor- To foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners, job seekers, and retirees of the United States; improve working conditions; advance opportunities for profitable employment; and assure work-related benefits and rights.
- Career One Stop
- Occupational Outlook Handbook – Occupational Outlook Handbook-Published by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Occupational Outlook Handbook is a nationally recognized source of career information, designed to provide valuable assistance to individuals making decisions about their future work lives.
This website is a trusted source for Career and Post-Secondary exploration and interests. The SCOIS career skills inventory allows students to connect their interests to a Career Cluster occupation. Students can design a resume and access MicroCareerBurst Job Shadowing. (If you do not have a password, please contact SCOISASSISTANCE@ed.sc.gov or 1-800-264-9038. )
- www.scois.intocareers.net
- Microburst Learning: Students and Soft Skills
- Microburst Updates Summary 2021-2022
- Microburst Learning's Career Search 2021-2022
- Microburst Virtual Job Shadowing Listings 2021-2022
- Professional Growth for Educators
Technologies to Explore Career Options and Virtual Reality
Hands-on, interactive, and dynamic experiences are important to engage students and give them a realistic window into what a career will entail. Some of the most innovative work in career exploration is utilizing virtual reality (VR) to provide immersive experiences for students to do jobs. Though internships, apprenticeships, and other immersive, real-world experiences are only possible for a small number of students, VR can provide access to the environments, tools, and opportunities in a wide variety of industries without leaving the classroom.
- Oculus VR Career Experience: This free resource designed for the Oculus Go platform, the most popular consumer VR headset, provides students with the opportunity to learn the complex world of pipe fitting, HVAC, and welding. The application was designed by the International Training Fund of the United Association, an international union of plumbers, fitters, and technicians, to provide students with an immersive and realistic window into these jobs.
- ByteSpeed: ByteSpeed, available for a fee, provides students ranging from elementary school to higher education a wide variety of career VR experiences including agriculture, fashion design, health care, and engineering.
- SC Codes – free online coding courses
- Computer Science and Engineering Resources for Women in STEM
- SCBIO K-12 Workforce Initiative – The SCBIO Foundation is committed to inspiring, developing, and cultivating the next generation of life sciences workforce. We partner with SCBIO investors to bring career-based learning into the classroom for students and teachers.
- Teen Science Cafe – Teen Science Café out-of-school programs are a free, fun way for teens to explore the big advances in science and technology affecting their lives. Teens and STEM experts engage in lively conversations and activities to explore a topic deeply.
- Learning Blade – Complete toolbox of online lessons, projects, and activities designed to grab your students attention while introducing them to the careers, tools and technologies found throughout the STEM fields.
- The South Carolina Aquarium Teen Science Café out-of-school programs are a free, fun way for teens to engage in lively, educational conversations with STEM experts. For teens ages 13-17 via Zoom.
- Career Videos – Career Videos by Dr. Kit who is a Psychology Professor at Bishop State Community College in Mobile, Alabama. He developed Dr. Kit website 3 years ago and he works on it in his spare time. He won the website at a conference and this is what he decided to make out of it. He has been teaching Psychology for approximately 30 years.
- Glossary of Coding and Programming Terms
Student Information System Power School Data Entry Manual 2022
23-24 Activity Coding Systems Manual Excel Table (Questions about this table may be directed to Nicole Ivery at nivery@ed.sc.gov )
Enrich Seals of Distinction Report Webinar Video and Instruction Flyer
Junior Achievement of SC – Junior Achievement USA provides several ways that you can get involved whether you’re someone looking to volunteer, part of a district or school looking for educational materials, or part of a business looking to help us expand the reach of our mission. Junior Achievement USA is providing free online resources to teachers and parents. We are doing this so our kids can spend more time planning for and dreaming about tomorrow, and less time worrying about today. We are committed to doing this until we can all be certain again.
All Work-Based Learning must be entered into PowerSchool no later than May 30, 2025.
- 2023-24 SC WBL Implementation Guide
- Student Information System Data Entry Manual
- Know It All
- MicroCareerBurst-Online Job Shadowing
- My Next Move
- Job Shadowing Month Resources
- Skills USA
- Youth Apprenticeships
- SC Virtual Career Guidance WBL Toolkit
- SC Work-Based Learning Padlet (K. Staton)
- iCEV
- Virtual Internships and more with Danny Rubin
- Work Based Learning Presentation by Kama Stanton
- SC Career Ready Road Map
- SC Work-Based Learning Resource Page
- SC Discus Job Career Resource
- Microburst Learning
- NCAA Eligibility
- Young Worker Rights
DID YOU KNOW? OCtech has placed students in Mechatronics, Machine Tool and Welding apprenticeships.