Institutional Effectiveness

A Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is a five-year project that strives to improve some aspect of student learning on a college-wide scale.  OCtech’s QEP is entitled “Learn It!  Live It!” Ensuring the Workforce Readiness Skills and Behaviors of Today’s and Tomorrow’s Workers.  OCtech seeks to increase student learning by assisting students in the development and mastery of the workforce readiness skills necessary to achieve their academic and career goals.  OCtech’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) integrates and refines workforce readiness components that already exist in some academic programs with additional skills to establish a college-wide workforce readiness model and community certification program.

“Learn It! Live It!” improves student workforce readiness skills and behaviors by complementing each program’s Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) with the capabilities that area employers deemed vital in the success of new employees.  The QEP also supports the OCtech mission statement and Strategic Plan goals and strategies.

The mission of OCtech is to provide relevant training and education in a diverse, flexible, inclusive environment that promotes success and self-reliance for students, and fosters economic development for the region.  While the QEP supports all three of the College’s Strategic Plan Goals, it directly impacts Strategy 1.8 – Foster the development of workforce and social skills needed for today’s diverse workplace and Strategy 3.1 – Provide professional development focused on the environment needed to support student success.

QEP Impact Five-Year Results

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